We understand that your product is the most important subject in your photography but having the ideal background can enhance your images to create the perfect shot. The right background can highlight the subject and add character to your image.
If you need inspiration for backgrounds that compliment your product please look through this gallery. This gallery contains a selection of the backgrounds that we have here in our product photography studio. If you have a different concept in mind do contact us to talk through your ideas as we have many more backgrounds in the studio and our photographers have a huge amount of experience in building sets and sourcing the perfect background.
Some clients like to use the same background for all their images to enhance brand consistency whilst other clients like to use unique backgrounds to compliment different elements of a product range.
Backgrounds to consider include wood, vinyl, marble, slate, stone, coloured card, colourama, velvet, tweed, brick, astroturf, hessian, wallpaper, but don’t stop this list from asking us about your ideas.